Royal Match Wiki
Royal Match Wiki
Royal Match Wiki
Butler's Gift | Super Light Ball | Teams | Collection | Royal Pass
  • Players can communicate and give lives to teammates by joining or creating Teams after reaching level 20.
  • To create or join a team, a player needs to have a username.
  • There are two types of teams which are open and closed.
    • In an open team, anyone can join the team.
    • In a closed team, members require the team leader's approval to join.
  • A team can have up to 50 members.
  • Activity shows how frequently team members help each other.
  • The displayed Team Score is the sum of the team members' beaten levels.

Important note: Active internet connection is necessary to access teams.

Important note: When a player is kicked from a team or rejected from joining a team, they can't rejoin the same team.

Team Events

Players can participate in team events with their team and compete against other teams to claim wonderful rewards, such as Team Treasure and Team Battle.

Important note: To be eligible for a reward from a team event, players need to be in the same team from the beginning to the end and beat at least one level or round.

Team Create

Creating a Team

  • If a player is already in a team and wants to create a new one, they should leave the current one. Players can leave their team by going to “Settings” and tapping on the “Leave Team” button.
  • Then can go to the “Teams” section, tap on “Create,” and fill in the details(Team Logo, Team Name, Description, Team Type, Required Level) to create their team.
  • Creating a new team requires 100 coins.

Joining a Team

  • After beating level 20, available teams will be shown on the “Teams” tab. Another way to find teams is using the "Search" tab.
  • If the team's requirements are met, tapping the Join button allows the player to join a team. The leader must approve the join request on a closed team.

Closed and Open Teams

  • On an “Open Team,” a player can join the team at any time if they meet the level requirements.
  • On a “Closed Team,” a player should be approved by the team leader to join the team.

Team Leader and Co-Leaders

  • To become a team leader, players need to create a team.
  • Only a team leader can add or remove a co-leader.
  • To make a co-leader in the team, tap on the name of the player in the player list that the leader wants to make a co-leader and tap on the “Make Co-leader” button. The co-leader has the same features as the leader. A co-leader can change the team info, and level requirements, set the team status to open or closed, respond to join requests, and kick players from the team, excluding the team leader and co-leaders.
  • To demote a co-leader, tap on the name of the player and tap on the “Demote Co-leader” button.

Important note: If the team leader leaves the team or hasn't been active for 28 days, their leadership position will be given to the co-leader at the highest level. If an active co-leader does not exist in the team, the most active team member will be the new leader.

Help Count

  • “Helps” shows the number of times a player helped another teammate.
  • To see the number of “Helps,” you can tap on “Team Info” on the “Teams” tab, and you will see the number of “Helps” next to the player name.
  • MyTeam
    The number of help is saved weekly and reset at the end of every week.